
From FreeCAD Documentation

Hi, my name is Yorik, I am an architect, I live in São Paulo, Brasil. See my website for more info. I use many open-source in my everyday work, my favorite one being Blender, which has a lot in common with FreeCAD, python scripting being one. As an architect I feel an urgent need for an "intelligent" engineering software that allows you to project complex things with complex relationships. It looks to me that FreeCAD is the best candidate we have around to become such software. Even if it is thought for mechanical engineering by its authors, I consider it far "open" enough to serve as a building engineering / architecture platform too. So I'll try to contribute to that and bring my stone to the construction... Cheers Yorik

My FreeCAD projects so far:

Wiki work-in-progress

Draft todo list

  • change cursor on pick point
  • finish new circle construction tool
  • run freecad inside blender - freecad importer for blender
  • test more serious workflow...
  • test a python view provider
  • make dimensions object + tool
  • make smooth tool interface
  • experiment textures and hatches
  • investigate part & mesh python tools
  • make draft Command bar appear if no Command bar is present
  • use SHIFT for drawing rectangles
  • font setting in texts
  • make upgrade tool able to close open wires
  • investigate dwg support
  • investigate reference/instance objects (several objects use the same shape?)

Draft bugs to kill

  • findintersection doesn't always find circle with circle
  • coordinates in statusbar are not updated after moving shape
  • toolbar colors bug
  • text placement bug (Z coordinate not locked)

Other future ideas

  • Custom properties for all objects
  • Make an interaction script for blender, which would update its scene from a freecad model, keeping materials already attributed.
  • Make a C++ DXF importer (like heekscad did). Blind fast, while our python importer is rather slow (python limitation, blender python dxf importer is slow too). Heekscad made a very simple, custom dxf importer that works fine with all my dxf test files, could be easily adapted.
  • Make a C++ dimension object
  • Try some basic architecture parametric components (wall, windows, etc). I think there is enough in FreeCAD already to begin to play with all this and to define better what features would be needed for them to work at full power.
  • Build a workplan for a more complete architecture workbench, that is defining basic components, and what behaviour they would need, and how those elements can be easily customized (a la Revit)
  • Snap tracking
  • Multiple operations (several lines one after the other, several copies, etc)
  • Edit mode