Translations:Preferences Editor/237/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 10:17, 23 May 2022 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
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Name Description
Create new document at start up If checked, FreeCAD will create a new document when started.
Document save compression level Specifies the compression level for FCStd files. FCStd files are ZIP-compressed files. Therefore you can rename their suffix .FCStd to .zip and open them with a ZIP archive program.
Using Undo/Redo on documents If checked, all changes in documents are stored so that they can be undone/redone.
Maximum Undo/Redo steps Specifies how many Undo/Redo steps should be recorded.
Allow aborting recomputation If checked, recomputations can be aborted by pressing Esc. This may slightly increase the recomputation time.
Run AutoRecovery at startup If there is a recovery file available FreeCAD will automatically run a file recovery when it is started. This way files can be restored if a crash occurred.
Save AutoRecovery information every Specifies how often a recovery file is written.
Save thumbnail into project file when saving document If checked, a thumbnail will be stored when the document is saved. The thumbnail will for example be shown in the list of recent files in the Start Workbench. It is possible to select a Size between 128×128 and 512×512 pixels for the thumbnail. Common sizes are powers of two: 128, 256, 512.
Add the program logo to the generated thumbnail If checked, the FreeCAD program logo will be added to the thumbnail.
Maximum number of backup files to keep when resaving document If checked, backup files will be kept when saving the document. You can specify the number of backup files to keep. Backup files are previously saved versions of the document. The first backup file will have the file suffix .FCStd1, the second .FCStd2 and so on.
Use date and FCBak extension If checked, backup files will get the extension .FCbak and their file names get a date suffix according to the specified Date format. For a description of the date format see Date & time formats cheatsheet.

With the default settings a backup file will for example get this name TD-Cube.20200315-215654.FCBak (original filename is TD-Cube.FCStd).

Allow duplicate object labels in one document If checked, objects can have the same label.
Disable partial loading of external linked objects If partial loading of external linked objects is enabled, only the referenced objects and their dependencies will be loaded when the linked document is auto opened together with the main document. Such a partially loaded document cannot be edited. Double click the document icon in the tree view to reload it in full. A more detailed explanation of this feature can be found on the Assembly3 documentation page.
Author name All created documents will get the specified author name. Keep the author field blank if you do not want to include this information. If the option Set on save is checked, the field Last modified by will be set to the specified author when saving the file. This field can be viewed using the File → Project information menu option.
Company All created documents will get the specified company name.
Default license Specifies the license for new documents. For predefined licenses the License URL will automatically be set accordingly. Select Other for a custom license.
License URL Specifies an URL describing the license selected in Default license.