Translations:Help FreeCAD/11/pl

From FreeCAD Documentation
Revision as of 20:17, 27 May 2014 by Kwahoo (talk | contribs)

Zgłaszaj błędy i pytaj o interesujące cię funkcje

Miejscem zgłaszania błędów i proponowania nowych funkcji jest FreeCAD Tracker. W celu zaoszczędzenia czasu deweloperów (ocena trudnych do zrozumienia raportów błędów może być bardzo czasochłonna) i uniknięcia frustracji z powodu przeprowadzenia twojego przypadku nie zgodnie z twoją intencją, proszę przeczytaj:

  • Bugs and features requests are handled in the same tracker. Just mark your issue as "bug" (something that doesn't work as it should) or "feature" (something that is not there but you think it would be good to have)
  • Although you can submit issues anonymously, please use your sourceforge account (create one if needed), so you can be notified when someone adds notes to the issue. In many cases, the person who will handle the bug will need more information from you.
  • When reporting a bug, the most important point is to allow developers to reproduce it. Be sure to include the exact steps needed to make the bug happen, so another person can do the same and see the bug happen on his machine too. If the developer cannot see the bug, he cannot solve it either.
  • Also include information that can help developers to situate the problem, like the operating system you are running FreeCAD on, the version of FreeCAD (for example 0.11) and the revision number (for example 4955). Both those numbers are available on the Help -> about FreeCAD dialog.
  • If you are not sure whether what you found is a bug or not, the best way is to head to the forum and discuss it there first.
  • Before submitting a feature request, it might also be a good idea to discuss it with other users on the forum, so you might end up with a more solid proposal, with more chances to interest a developer to implement it.
  • Remember that FreeCAD is developed by volunteers who use their free time to work on it. Although everyone tries his best to make the best possible application, your bug report might be treated with low priority, or canceled if you cannot give sufficient information, and your feature request might be postponed or even refused if no developer has interest in implement it or if that would request unrealistic amount of work.