Translations:Getting started/18/ro

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Selectare Translatie Zoom Rotire
pentru selectie pentru translatie pentru a mari sau micsora pentru a roti vizualizarea
Apasati butonul stanga al mouse-ului deasupra obiectului de selectat. Apasarea tastei CTRL permite selectarea mai multor obiecte. Apasati butonul din mijloc si miscati mouse-ul pentru a translata vizualizarea. Folositi rotita mouse-ului pentru a mari sau micsora. Apasati mai intai butonul din mijloc al mouse-ului, tineti-l apasat si apasati butonul stanga al mouse-ului si mutati-l in directia dorita. Functioneaza ca o bila ce se roteste in jurul centrului. Daca eliberati butoanele inainte de a inceta miscarea vizualizarea va continua sa se roteascain jurul centrului, daca aceasta caracteristica e activata. Dublu-click folosind butonul mijlociu pe oricare parte a unui obiect seteaza noul centru de rotatie si panorameaza pe acest punct.

Select Pan Zoom Rotate view
First method
Rotate view
Alternate method
Press the left mouse button over an object you want to select.

Holding down Ctrl allows the selection of multiple objects.

Hold the middle mouse button, then move the pointer. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

Clicking the middle mouse button re-centers the view on the location of the cursor.

Hold the middle mouse button, then press and hold the left mouse button, then move the pointer.

The cursor location when the middle mouse button is pressed determines the center of rotation. Rotation works like spinning a ball which rotates around its center. If the buttons are released before you stop the mouse motion, the view continues spinning, if this is enabled.

A double click with the middle mouse button sets a new center of rotation.

Hold the middle mouse button, then press and hold the right mouse button, then move the pointer.

With this method the middle mouse button may be released after the right mouse button is held pressed.

Users who use the mouse with their right hand may find this method easier than the first method.

Ctrl+ Ctrl+Shift+ Shift+
Pan mode: hold the Ctrl key, press the right mouse button once, then move the pointer. introduced in version 0.17 Zoom mode: hold the Ctrl and Shift keys, press the right mouse button once, then move the pointer. introduced in version 0.17 Rotate mode: hold the Shift key, press the right mouse button once, then move the pointer. introduced in version 0.17