TechDraw ArchView/de: Difference between revisions

From FreeCAD Documentation
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* {{PropertyData|Font Size}}: The size of all texts that appear in this view
* {{PropertyData|Font Size}}: The size of all texts that appear in this view


{{Emphasis|See also:}} [[TechDraw API|TechDraw API]] and [[FreeCAD Scripting Basics|FreeCAD Scripting Basics]].
{{Emphasis|See also:}} [[TechDraw API|TechDraw API]] and [[FreeCAD Scripting Basics|FreeCAD Scripting Basics]].

Revision as of 23:34, 25 October 2020

TechDraw ArchAnsicht

TechDraw → Arch Arbeitsbereichsobjekt einfügen
Eingeführt in Version
Siehe auch
Arch Arbeitsbereich, Arch Schnittebene


Das ArchAnsicht Werkzeug fügt eine Ansicht einer Arch SchnittEbene auf einer TechDraw Seite.


  1. Wähle eine Arch Schnittebene in der 3D Ansicht oder im Baum
  2. Wenn du mehrere Zeichnungsseiten in deinem Dokument hast, musst du die gewünschte Seite im Baum auswählen.
  3. Drücke die Einfügen Arch Arbeitsbereichsobjekt Schaltfläche
  4. Eine Ansicht der Objekte, die von der Schnittebene gesehen werden, erscheint auf der Seite.


Die ArchView wird innerhalb der Arch Arbeitsbereich gerendert, daher hat TechDraw nur begrenzte Kontrolle über sein Erscheinungsbild. Möglicherweise musst du Änderungen innerhalb von Arch vornehmen, um die gewünschte Darstellung zu erhalten.


  • The Arch View is rendered by the Arch Module, the same way as in the Drawing Workbench. See Notes.
  • Draft Dimensions, Draft Texts and any other 2D (Sketch or Draft) object considered by the section plane is rendered "as is" (no intersection or hidden lines) on top of the solid geometry
  • The volume of Arch Spaces is not rendered, only the label will be rendered
  • Cut lines, projected lines (if Show Hidden property is set to True) and 2D lines above can be rendered with different line widths. This can be configured in the Arch preferences.
  • The ArchView has two rendering modes: Wireframe, which uses the OpenCasCade algorithms of the Drawing Module, is fast and produces only lines (no face fill possible), and Solid, which is based on the Painter's algorithm, and is capable of rendering faces filled with their shape color. However, it is much slower and can fail in many situations. The image below illustrates the difference between the two rendering modes:

  • Nur die Basislinie von Arch Rohre werden gerendert, nicht das volle Volumen des Rohrs:


  • DatenSource: The section plane object to be displayed
  • DatenAll On: If hidden objects must be shown or not. If False, only objects that are visible in the 3D view are rendered
  • DatenRender Mode: The render mode to use, Solid or Wireframe
  • DatenShow Hidden: If the hidden geometry (the part of the goemetry that lies behind the section plane) is shown or not. It will be rendered in dashed line, which can be configured in the Arch preferences.
  • DatenShow Fill: If cut areas must be filled with a grey color or not
  • DatenLine Width: The width of the main lines. Cut lines and projected/2D line widths ratios can be configured in the Arch preferences
  • DatenFont Size: The size of all texts that appear in this view


See also: TechDraw API and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

The New Arch tool can be used in macros and from the Python console by using the following functions:

dv = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewArch','TestArch')
dv.Source = mySectionPlane
rc = page.addView(dv)