Sketcher: Constrângere de Unghi

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Revision as of 18:26, 9 October 2018 by Luc (talk | contribs)

Constraint InternalAngle

Menu location
Sketch → Sketcher constraints → Constrain angle
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Constrain distance, Constraint Perpendicular


Constrângerea de unghi este o datum constraint având ca scop fixarea unghiurilor unei schițe. Este capabilă să definească pantele liniilor individuale, unghiurile dintre linii, unghiurile de intersecții ale curbelor și deschiderile unghiulare ale arcurilor circulare.

Cum se folosește

Sunt patru căi diferite pentru ca această constrângere să fie aplicată:

  1. Liniilor individuale
  2. între linii
  3. asupra interesecțiilor curbelor
  4. Arcurilor de cercuri

Pentru a aplica constrângerea de unghi, trebuie urmați următorii pași:

  • Selectați una, două sau trei entități în schiță. Modul va fi ales în funcție de selecție.
  • Invocați constrângerea făcând clic pe pictograma de pe bara de instrumente sau selectând elementul din meniu sau utilizând comanda rapidă de la tastatură. Se afișează o fereastră de dialog contextual pentru editarea referinței.
  • Modificați unghiul, dacă este necesar. Unghiul poate fi introdus ca o expresie care va fi evaluată și rezultatul va fi stocat. Faceți clic pe OK.

As with any datum constraint, it is possible to change the angle value later by double-clicking the constraint in constraint list or 3d view. Entering a negative value will cause the angle direction to flip.

Constraint modes

line slope angle

Accepted selection: line

The constraint sets the polar angle of line's direction. It is the angle between the line and X axis of the sketch.

arc span (v0.15)

Accepted selection: arc of circle

In this mode, the constraint fixes angular span of a circular arc.

between lines

Accepted selection: line + line

In this mode, the constraint sets the angle between two lines. It is not required that the lines intersect.

between curves at intersection (angle-via-point) (v0.15)

Accepted selection: any line/curve + any line/curve + any point

In this mode, angle between two curves is constrained at the point of their intersection. The intersection point can be on curves' extensions. The point should be specified explicitly, since curves typically intersect in more than one point.

For the constraint to work correctly, the point must be on both curves. So, as the constraint is invoked, the point will be automatically constrained onto both curves (helper constraints will be added, if necessary), and the angle between curves will be constrained at the point. These helper constraints are plain regular constraints. They can be added manually, or deleted. There are no helper constraints on the example picture above, because the point selected is already the intersection of curves.


Angle Constraint can be created from macros and from the python console by using the following:

# line slope angle

# angular span of arc

# angle between lines

# angle-via-point (no helper constraints are added automatically when from python)


  • Sketch is a sketch object
  • iline, iline1, iline2 are integers specifying the lines by their ordinal numbers in Sketch.
  • pointpos1, pointpos2 should be 1 for start point and 2 for end point. The choice of endpoints allows to set internal angle (or external), and it affects how the constraint is drawn on the screen.
  • geoidpoint and pointpos in AngleViaPoint are the indexes specifying the point of intersection.
  • angle is the angle value in radians. The angle is counted between tangent vectors in counterclockwise direction. Tangent vectors are pointing from start to end for the lines (or vice versa if ending point is supplied in angle between lines mode), and along counterclockwise direction for circles, arcs and ellipses. Quantity is also accepted as an angle (e.g. App.Units.Quantity('45 deg'))