
From FreeCAD Documentation
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Localisation is in general the process of providing a Software with a multiple language user interface. In FreeCAD you can set the language of the user interface under Edit→Preferences→Application. FreeCAD uses Qt to enable multiple language support.

How to Translate

In the LibPack of FreeCAD you find the Qt-Linguist tool that helps you to translate FreeCAD in the language of your choice, but you can also download it from www.trolltech.com.

To translate a part of FreeCAD, locate files with the ".ts" ending in the source tree. Each of these files contains text snippets from the user interface in the original english version and - if allready translated - in another language. The filename specifies the language with a two byte code in the pattern "basename_LC.ts" where LC is a language code like "en" for english or "de" for german. To provide a new language copy one these files to a new file with the country code of your language. Then open it with the Qt-Linguist and start translating. The Qt-Linguist is very easy to use and helps you translating with nice features like a phrase book for common sentences.
