Installing on Mac/ro: Difference between revisions

From FreeCAD Documentation
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That's it.Just click on the app to launch FreeCAD. If you have this message "FreeCAD can't be open as it is from unidentified developer. " Open the folder (Application) and right click on the app then click open and accept to open the application.
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Programul de instalare va va prezenta o fereastra numita '''Customize Installation''' ce listeaza componentele ce vor fi instalate. Daca stiti ca aveti instalate unele pachete le puteti deselecta folosind casutele de selectie. Daca nu sunteti sigur lasati-le bifate.

Revision as of 11:42, 4 October 2018

FreeCAD poate fi instalat in Mac OS X intr-un singur pas folosind programul de instalare. Template:DownloadMacStable Aceasta pagina descrie modul de folosire si caracteristicile programului de instalare, precum si instructiuni pentru dezinstalare. Odata instalat, e timpul pentru primii pasi!


This page describes the usage and features of the FreeCAD installer. It also includes uninstallation instructions. Once installed, you can get started!

Instalarea simpla

Programul de instalare FreeCAD este furnizat ca pachet app (.app) inclus în fișierul imagine

a disk ului.

You can download the latest installer from the Download page. After downloading the file, just mount the disk image, then drag it to the Application folder or a folder of your choice.

Cea mai recenta versiune se poate descarca din pagina de Download. Odata descarcat fisierul imagine al disk ului, apoi glisați-l în Application folder sau orice alt folder doriți

That's it.Just click on the app to launch FreeCAD. If you have this message "FreeCAD can't be open as it is from unidentified developer. " Open the folder (Application) and right click on the app then click open and accept to open the application.


Nu exista un program de dezinstalare pentru FreeCAD inca. Pentru a inlatura complet programul si toate componentele instalate trageti urmatoarele fisiere si directoare in Gunoi:

  • In /Applications:
    • FreeCAD

Asta-i tot. In cele din urma FreeCAD va fi disponibil ca si pachet complet pentru Mac si acest inconvenient va disparea.

Install on Unix/ro
Getting started/ro