Kreslení TělesoDo2D

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Kreslení 2DTvarPohledu

Umístění Menu
Kreslení -> 2D tvar z pohledu
Pracovní stoly
Kreslení, Architektura
Výchozí zástupce
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Viz také


Tento nástroj umístí do dokumentu 2D objekt, který vznikne zploštěním pohledu vybraného tvaru založeného na objektu díl.

How to use

  1. Select the object you want to extract a 2D view from
  2. Press the Draft Shape2DView button


  • If the selected object is an Arch SectionPlane, the 2D projection will be of the contents of the Section plane, and the projection vector will be taken from the section plane instead of the Projection property below.
  • The normal operating mode is Solid, which projects the whole shape, but, if you selected some faces of the base object when creating the 2D view, you can also set the Individual Faces mode, which will project only the faces that were selected.
  • If the selected object is an Arch SectionPlane, a cutlines projection mode is also available, which projects only the edges being cut by the section plane.


  • ÚdajeProjection: The direction of the projection.
  • ÚdajeProjection Mode: The mode of the projection: solid, individual faces, or cutlines.


The Draft Shape2DView tool can by used in macros and from the python console by using the following function:

 makeShape2DView (object,[projection],[facenumbers])
  • Adds a 2D shape to the document, which is a 2D projection of the given object.
  • A specific projection vector can also be given.
  • Returns the generated object.
  • You can also provide a list of face numbers to be considered.


 import FreeCAD,Draft