Architektura Okno

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Arch Okno

Umístění Menu
Arch → Window
Pracovní stoly
Výchozí zástupce
Představen ve verzi
Viz také
Arch Wall


The Window is a base object for all kinds of "embeddable" objects, such as windows, doors, etc... It is designed to be either independent, or "hosted" inside another component such as a wall. It has its own geometry, that can be made of several solid components (the window frame, or inner panels for example), and also defines a volume to be subtracted to host objects, in order to create an opening.

Window objects are based on closed 2D objects, such as Draft Rectangles or Sketches, that are used to define their inner components. The base 2D object must therefore contain several closed wires, that can be combined to form filled panels (one wire) or frames (several wires).

The window tool features several presets, that allow to create full doors or windows from a list of parameters, without the need to create the base 2D objects and components manually. But windows can also be created fro scratch, by drawing a base 2D object first.

Na obrázku výše je okno zkonstruováno na Nakresleném obdélníku, potom vloženo do Zdi. Přidání okna do zdi automaticky vyseká odpovídající otvor v hostující zdi.

Obrázek výše ukazuje mnohem komplexnější okno zkonstruované na náčrtu. Když přejdete do editačního módu, můžete vytvářet různé komponenty, nastavovat jejich tloušťku a vybírat a přiřazovat do nich lomené čáry z náčrtu.


Použití předvoleb

  1. Optionally, select an Arch object. If no object is selected, the window will be inserted in the object under the mouse when placing the window.
  2. Press the Arch Window button, or press W then I keys
  3. Select one of the presets in the list
  4. Fill out the desired parameters
  5. Press the OK button

Creating from scratch

  1. Optionally, select a face on the Arch object where you want the window to be incuded
  2. Switch to the Sketcher Workbench
  3. Create a new sketch
  4. Draw one or more closed wires
  5. Close the sketch
  6. Switch back to the Arch Workbench
  7. Press the Arch Window button, or press W then I keys
  8. Enter Edit mode by double-clicking the window in the tree view, to adjust the window components


The following presets are available:

Konstrukce komponent

Windows can include 2 types of components: panels and frames. Panels are made from one closed wire, which gets extruded, while frames are made from 2 or more closed wire, where each one is extruded, then the smaller ones are subtracted from the biggest one. You can access, create, modify and delete components of a window in edit mode (double-click the window in the Tree view). The components have the following properties:

  • Name: A name for the component
  • Type: The type of component. Can be "Frame", "Glass panel", "Solid panel" or "Louvres"
  • Wires: A comma-separated list of wires the component is based on
  • Thickness: The extrusion thickness of the component
  • Offset: The distance between the component and its base 2D wire(s)


  • Windows share the common properties and behaviours of all Arch Components
  • If the Auto-includecheckbox on the Window creation task panel is unchecked, the window won't be inserted into any host object on creation.
  • Add a selected window to a wall by selecting both, then pressing the Arch Add button.
  • Remove a selected window from a wall by selecting the window, then pressing the Arch Remove button.
  • When using presets, it is often convenient to turn the "Near" Draft Snap on, so you can snap your window to an existing face.
  • The hole created by a window in its host object is determined by two properties: Hole Depth and Hole Wire (introduced in version 0.17). The Hole Wire number can be picked in the 3D view from the window's task panel available when double-clicking the window in the tree view
  • Windows can make use of Multi-Materials. The window will search in the attached Multi-Material for material layers with a same name for each of its window component, and use it if any is found. For example, a component named "OuterFrame" will search in the attached Multi-Material, for a material layer named "OuterFrame". If such material layer is found, its material will be attributed to the OuterFrame component. The thickness value of the material layer is disregarded.


Dveře mohou být snadno vytvořeny pomocí nástroje Okno, jenom musíte nakreslit základovou vnitřní lomenou čáru tak, aby se dotýkala venkovní lomené čáry jak je na obrázku níže.



  • ÚdajeHeight: The height of this window
  • ÚdajeWidth: The width of this window
  • ÚdajeHole Depth: The depth of the hole created by this window in its host object
  • ÚdajeHole Wire: The number of the wire from the base object that is used to create a hole in the host object of this window. This value can be set graphically when double-clicking the window in the tree view. Setting a value of 0 will make the window automatically pick its biggest wire for the hole.
  • ÚdajeWindow Parts: A list of strings (5 strings per component, setting the component options above)
  • ÚdajeLouvre Width: If any of the components is set to "Louvres", this property defines the size of the louvre elements
  • ÚdajeLouvre Spacing: If any of the components is set to "Louvres", this property defines the spacing between the louvre elements


Nástroj Okno může být využit v makrech a z konzoly Pythonu použitím následující funkce:

makeWindow (obj,[name])
vytvoří okno založené na zadaném objektu


import Draft, Arch
rect = Draft.makeRectangle(length=2,height=4)