Translations:Std Part/63/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • DataMaterial (Map): map with material properties. By default, it is empty {}.
  • DataMeta (Map): map with additional meta information. By default, it is empty {}.
  • DataUid (UUID): the universally unique identifier (UUID) (128-bit number) of the object. This is assigned at creation time.
  • DataLabel2 (String): a longer, user editable description of this object, it is an arbitrary UTF8 string that may include newlines. By default, it is an empty string "".
  • DataExpression Engine (ExpressionEngine): a list of expressions. By default, it is empty [].
  • DataVisibility (Bool): whether to display the object or not.
  • DataOrigin (Link): the App Origin object that is the positional reference for all elements listed in DataGroup.
  • Data_ Group Touched (Bool): whether the group is touched or not.