Translations:Draft ShapeString/8/en

From FreeCAD Documentation
  • DataFont File (File): Font file name.
  • DataFuse (Bool): Fuse faces if faces overlap, usually not required (can be very slow). Ignored if DataMake Face is false. introduced in version 1.0
  • DataJustification (Enumeration): Horizontal and vertical alignment. Options: Top-Left, Top-Center, Top-Right, Middle-Left, Middle-Center, Middle-Right, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Center, Bottom-Right. introduced in version 1.0
  • DataJustification Reference (Enumeration): Height reference used for justification. Options: Cap Height, Shape Height. The shape height depends on the characters in DataString. introduced in version 1.0
  • DataKeep Left Margin (Bool): Keep left margin and leading white space when justification is left. introduced in version 1.0
  • DataMake Face (Bool): Fill letters with faces.
  • DataOblique Angle (Angle): Oblique (slant) angle. Must be in the -80° to +80° range. introduced in version 1.0
  • DataScale To Size (Bool): Scale to ensure cap height is equal to size. If set to false, depending on the font, cap height will not match DataSize exactly. introduced in version 1.0
  • DataSize (Length): Height of text.
  • DataString (String): Text string. A ShapeString can only display a single text line.
  • DataTracking (Distance): Inter-character spacing. The property type has been updated (introduced in version 1.0).